21 apr. 2022

Några citat...

... från en, för mig, viktig bok när jag fick uppdraget att designa en nätbaserad lärarutbildning (distans) 2002 vid Högskolan Dalarna.

 “In this chapter we argue that greater acknowledgement should be given to the fact that most of what we know about teaching and learning is applicable in all learning environments, including online.” 

 “Despite their potential for stimulation, lectures and their electronic form (e-lectures) are clearly regarded as a way for students to be exposed to a body of information. The over-emphasis of knowledge transmission characteristic of the conventional lecture-based courses is often reproduced in new media. As has been noted above, the delivery of information per se does not promote the kind of learning outcomes that constitute a university education where independent thought, reflection and abstraction are valued. It is critical, therefore, for learning designers to provide activities to facilitate students´ engaging with and making sense of that content. These complementary activities should provide opportunities for students to find a bridge between what they already know, and that which they have read, heard or seen in the e-lecture. Students need opportunities to reflect on the ways in which their individual understanding aligns with that of the lectures, and the ways in which it is different. Without such activities, learners may attempt to simply memorize information contained in the lecture so they can reproduce it in examinations or other assessment activities but be unable to use it” 

“Learning does not occur in isolation and it is not a purely intellectual enterprise even when dealing with academic subjects. The extent to which we can sustain learning over time is a function of the emotional and personal support we can gain from others. The extent to which we are motivated to learn depends as much on the context of learning as it does on intrinsic interest in the object of study. Providing an opportunity for students is only part of the real challenge – an experience without feedback and reflection is a somewhat empty experience.”

 “Online learning: it is all about dialogue, involvement, support and control – according to the research”

Lite fragmentariskt kanske när det citeras på detta vis, men citaten blev viktiga för mitt tänkande i hur vi skulle designa en utbildning som huvudsakligen bedrevs via Internet.

Boken skrevs för lite över tjugo år sedan men är, vill jag påstå, fortfarande aktuell: Stephenson, John (red.), Teaching & learning online: pedagogies for new technologies, Kogan Page, London, 2001 och citaten är från kap.1 Learnes still learn from experience when online by Shirley Alexander & David Boud.

Andemeningen i citaten ovan återkommer även i en antologi 2011 där följande figur används för att fånga in "framgångsfaktorer för utbildning på nätet" vilket också är titeln på författarnas (Christina Keller och Jörgen Lindh) bidrag.

Hrastinski, Stefan (red.), Mer om nätbaserad utbildning: fördjupning och exempel, 1. uppl., Studentlitteratur, Lund, 2011

Om vi vill stödja och behålla våra studerande "på nätet" tror jag det är klokt att betona och designa utbildningen som tar hänsyn det sociala kittet mellan studerande som är så viktigt, men också en reell lärarnärvaro till stöd för ett spännande kognitivt äventyr!



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